Kenya National Association of Social Workers Rift Valley.


We are commited to advancing proffessionalisation of social work; promoting human rights, social and economic justice and unimpleded access to inclusive quality service for everyone


+254 721 259 866

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Eldoret, Kenya
Building the capacity of social workers to enhance human wellbeing
” Empower Change, Unite for Impact: Joining the association is not just a step, but a leap towards amplifying your influence as a social worker “
Diana Komen,

About us

Kenya National Association of Social Workers (KNASW) is the
professional body of social workers in Kenya. The body was
founded in 1962, thereafter due to its growth, demand and clarity
of membership the body was registered with the Registrar of
Societies under section 10 of Societies Act on 25th November, 1997.

The association is a member of the Professional Societies of East
Africa and is affiliated to the International Federation of Social
Workers (IFSW) and collaborates closely with Commonwealth
Organization for Social Workers (COSW).


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