By joining the association, you, Elevate Your Impact unlocking a world of professional growth, networking opportunities, and collective advocacy, enabling you to make a greater difference in the lives of those you serve.
Click here to join as a member weather a student, practitioner or a trainer; membership registration (link)
Our members are presently in different counties as follows:
- Baringo
- Bomet
- Elgeyo-Marakwet
- Kajiado
- Kericho
- Laikipia
- Nakuru
- Narok
- Samburu
- Trans-Nzoia
- Turkana
- Uasin Gishu
- West Pokot
Note: This should be pages that when one clicks on Baringo… they are directed to the page with list of members from that specific county.’
Members: 100plus join us
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